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  • Writer's pictureBeyogafit

Warriors not worriers

At Beyogaft, the priority is always your health and wellness, it’s at the heart of everything I do. While that focus has always been this, the recent spread of COVID-19 has shifted that focus to supporting your safety and well-being and that of our amazing community. A regular yoga practise is often a critical component of our mental well-being and for now, classes are running as usual however, I expect this may change in the upcoming week. With the situation evolving quickly I recognize your routine will change, so any blocks purchased will be extended till the 1st June. I encourage that you use your own mat and if you borrow one, to wipe it down before and after each class and to wash your hands frequently. I think now more than ever, let’s stay strong and not lose our minds. We are warriors, through and through! Remember to eat clean, drink plenty of water, connect with others, read and listen to music. To boost the immune system, sometimes less is more.  Try to adopt healthy habits, like 20 minutes of yoga or exercise, which can include washing your car, cleaning the garage, gardening or some DIY. Eat high nutrient foods and get enough sleep to keep the immune system strong As per a report by Harvard Medical School, exercise jumpstarts your blood circulation, allowing both the cells and substances of your immune system to move through the body more freely. This increases your immune cells' ability to perform their duties optimally. For anyone struggling at the moment, please limit watching the news and turn off notifications as recommended by the World Health Organization on protecting our mental health.

A friend of a friend is also offering free coaching sessions for anyone that needs extra help during these uncertain times. If you want to continue to stay active but aren’t feeling safe visiting the class, I’m looking at live streaming videos and will update you further with this. In the meantime stay calm, stay healthy and keep in mind, that we will get through this together.

As always, Bernie

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