Lets get Inverted
The workshop begins with a warm up of the fundamentals followed by breaking down the variations of Bakasana (crow), headstand (Shashumna) and forearm stand (Pincha) . The inversion poses will build on our strength and challenge us by reversing the normal effects of gravity, it rests the heart, aids circulation and relieves pressure on the lower back. A regular inversion practice helps to prevent back problems and improves memory and concentration. Inverting the body also deepens the breath, bringing a fresh supply of oxygen-rich blood to the brain.
The focus is always on proper from and technique to ensure an effective practice.
EB ends 22 April
£25 thereafter
Perimenopause Workshop
Date: 26 March 2022
Time: 9.45-.12.45 pm
Where: OneStonegrove Community Centre,
Investment: £45 -£55
Light Lunch and Goody Bag included.
Going through perimenopause can be tough, not just because of the physical elements, but the emotional and social elements too. You need to know that you are not alone.
This workshop is for anyone who is thinking about, or experiencing perimenopause and is curious about navigating this time with a conscious, healing perspective.
A menopause workshop to help reduce the stigma, generate engagement and resolve some challenges.
At this friendly, accessible workshop our guest speaker and author Kate Codrington will be sharing a seasonal view of menopause which gives us a key to finding the self-care we crave. The shame around perimenopause keeps us isolated and fearful. By coming together in a safe group to name the challenges and share our experience, we come to find that despite our differences, there is an enormous strength to be found in connecting with others in the same process.
• We’ll explore some simple practices for you to integrate into your daily life
• Learn about the Life Seasons and how they can give you the key into understanding your needs
• Use an embodied, guided visualisation, to get an sense of where you are, the self-care you need to apply and a sense of what is to come.
• Invite kindness and compassion for the journey.
• There will be time to integrate your experience and close with your next steps

Restorative Yoga and Gong Sound Bath
Date: 1 March 2020
Time: 5.30 -7.30 pm
Where: OneStonegrove Community Centre, Edgware, HA88BN
Cost: £30
Restore, relax, and renew through gentle yoga poses and healing sounds!
Please join us for a special evening of deep relaxation through yoga and sound. London’s best sound meditation teacher Martina Saorin uses Gongs and Himalayan bowls to bring the body back to its natural state of balance and harmony. You will be guided through a series of gentle restorative yoga poses, while the crystal bowls bathes you in harmonic vibrations. This practice will soothe your nervous system, quiet your mind, and invite you to relax deeply held tension. Appropriate for all levels.
It requires nothing but receptivity in order to be fully experienced, but it has to be experienced in order to be completely understood.
One not to be missed

Lets get inverted - from crow to handstand
Date: 8th March 2020
Time: 2.30 -4.30 pm
Where: OneStonegrove Community Centre, Edgware, HA88BN
Cost: £25
Toby Gillingham will be our teacher for this amazing workshop. He is a yoga, meditation and martial arts teacher with 17 years of experience and has dedicated his life to his craft.
The workshop is available to those with little or no experience as well as those with a lot. During the 2 hours we will be looking deeper at the mechanics of crow, headstand and handstand. Toby will break down each pose while increasing strength and technique. Arm balances and inversions share a lot of common principles, body activation, upper body alignment, core/low back engagement. The workshop will improve your endurance, balance with awareness of alignment. We will warm up before trying several positions. You will detoxify while having fun and leave feeling empowered and rejuvenated.