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Wanderlust - A strong desire to travel. 6 travel tips for your next journey.

Writer's picture: BeyogafitBeyogafit

Have you read the article about how mom spends all her time consuming household chores while on holiday - sound familiar? Lets look at a few way we can take time to find moments of Zen when travelling and, while rubbing off on your loved ones so that they enjoy the adventure too. How my single mom travelled with 3 girls in the back of a car from Johannesburg to Cape Town (with no devices) for 12 hours still amazes me.


Some like to plan every moment and activity while others like to go with the flow. One thing is for sure, kids will throw a spanner in the works. Best to plan a bit and be prepared for the inevitable. For better rates, book ahead but be prepared that sometimes things don't always work out as planned.


When on any trip, its easy to treat yourself to all the naughty foods but remember to eat or snack on foods that has colour and is full of nutrients and protein. You will feel better for it. Make healthier choices to fill up on the healthier options first will satisfy that initial emptiness of hunger while practicing healthy habits.


Whenever you are traveling, you most likely get caught up and forget to drink water. Water is super important for many things, but particularly for traveling, water intake is essential to keep you hydrated and clear headed. Water boosts skin health as well as regulating body temperature and flushing toxins.


Create a zen atmosphere by being zen. Meditation is a great tool to keep you grounded and there are no shortages of meditation apps out there like Headspace and Insight Timer. Meditation doesn't need to be long, just begin with 2-3 min and practice daily if you can. Here is a 10 min meditation that you can use as a guide. If you have kids better yet, put on on Cosmic kids while you take a moment for yourself and everyone's happy.


Stretching will help your body feel less fatigued after all that sitting or walking and help you get going the next day. A short yoga practice or walk or run can turn into some feel good movement for the body. Even a short workout might be just what your body needs for the day. A little something is better than nothing. Check out my Youtube channel for inspiration


Take a moment to marvel in the moment your in and take it all in without wanting anything else. Smell the scent in the air and feel the breeze on your skin. If the kids throw tantrums, cry and argue remember its not the only reality of travelling with kids. Notice when their curiosity grows after experiencing, seeing or tasting something new. When you notice these know that you are creating lifetime moments.

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